Win a Retro T-shirt for FREE! – Comp CLOSED

**** Note this competition is now closed – The Winner was announced in our LIVE SHOW ****
This is one of the all time classic Leicester City shirts from the last 30 years.. and even better than that… it has Leicester City legend Steve Walsh’s name and his famous number 5 on the back !
Let’s be honest, for many fans Steve Walsh is THE #1 Leicester Legend of all time.. so whether you remember these shirts the first time around or a younger fan and fancy dipping back into the retro archive this is the shirt to have, and we have one for FREE to give away thanks to our pals at ADT TAXIS.

Yes the guys at ADT Taxis to celebrate life getting back to normal have teamed up with us again and brought you this great prize.
We will pick one lucky entry who will Win a retro T-shirt from the 1994/95 season here, so why not come and enter?!
So click to enter below, and make sure you give ADT TAXIS a follow and download their great taxi app here… use your LOCAL TAXI FIRM… not that global brand who doesn’t do anything for your local area like these guys do ! Got it !
Enter here… Draw will be on April 2nd LIVE…
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