WIN A PINK CITY SHIRT – Winner Announced

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This Competition is now closed ! We have picked a winner…. Well done to Jackson Hill who is the winner of this Pink Adidas Leicester City shirt thanks to our pals at Pink Car Leasing !


We have got ANOTHER yes ANOTHER Pink Adidas shirt to give away thanks to our pals at Pink Vehicle Leasing in our APRIL Give Away !

The Club Shop has sold out of PINK Leicester City shirts… yes they have been THAT popular. But YOU still want to get one right ?

Well thanks to our pals Pink Vehicle Leasing we have got one to give away for Free…. Things couldn’t be better !

We have a really simple question to answer below and we will draw a winner on April 30th so what are you waiting for !

And don’t forget if you are looking to lease a car, our pals at Pink Vehicle leasing are the best team right here in Leicestershire to sort you out… Click HERE to get in touch with them.

So here is that very simple question for you to answer… GOOD LUCK !

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