SUPPORT US – #22ndminute Applause for Aaron

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We have been asked to support and help promote a minutes applause this Saturday in memory of Aaron who sadly recently died aged just 25 and a true Blue.

We will let you know more shortly, but if all Fans who are at the King Power for the Palace game could spread the word, and join in the applause in the 22nd Minute of the game.

Please help share ‪#‎22ndminute‬ applause for Aaron.

Why the 22nd minute ? Aaron’s sister Carley explained to us ….

“22 was the day he was born and through out his life was his lucky number and on the leic shirts he always brought it was always Aaron 22”

100%LCFC Editor Phil Holloway told us…

I know all the Foxes fans will get behind this in memory of another Fox. Please join in on the 22nd minute and please Foxes share and like and spread the message around the fans, either on Facebook, Twitter or in the good old fashioned way around the boozers in the City and outside the ground. We want to ensure a fitting tribute for Aaron who sadly wont be at the game. In the end its only football and we are all here for a short time, for Aaron his time was shorter than most, and we can respect him with a standing ovation on Saturday which I am sure will bring some solace to his friends and family. We are all part of one big Leicester City family, and Aaron was one of the Blue Army, so I know 32,000 other fans in the ground will join us, and many will be at home listening on the Radio, will also respect the moment. #22ndminute”


The fans have been sending their messages of support to us via our FACEBOOK page… here are just a few of them….

Brad Hunt
I’m sorry for your loss mate I lost my big brother 9 years ago he was also Leicester through and through, the pain never goes away but when I go to the ground it’s like he is with me just like when we was kids, I hope you can find your solace lots of love from my self my family and the foxes community xxxx

Mark Paul Cunningham
unfortunately I can’t attend the match..however, I will honour from where I live in Flamborough.. Sorry for your loss.

Tim Rennison
Shared in London for the London Foxes!! RIP Aaron…

Brad Hunt
sadly another fallen fox, I know this mans glass will be up on the 22nd minute

Lorraine Voisey
Shared and will be proud to join in the applause x

Carley Stretton
Thank u so much all Aaron is my baby brother who was sadly take way to soon ! A kind heart and a true gent and a beloved city fan ! This means so much to my family that people remember him as he was a rare kinda bloke ! X

Gary Joynson
Shared. Thanks for helping raise this. It’s means a lot. #RIPbuddy

22 b



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