Next up…West Ham! Fan’s Score Predictions!

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Each week we ask you what the score predictions will be going into our next game.
At the moment we are in a sour patch, losing two games in the trot to two teams on struggling form in the bottom half of the table.

Going into the West Ham game, you fans had mixed views about the scores, and who was going to score first, or if we would win…
Hopefully we can bounce back in the mid-week game.

This is what YOU, the fans, had to say about Leicester v West Ham…!

Top fan
Will Hammond
We need a performance and 3 points abs break the bad run. I’m going vardy 2-1

Top fan
Robin Wells
I predict a reaction, not a good time for West Ham to be playing us. 4-1 Maddison to score first.

Neil Freddie
O’connell Impossible to predict how Leicester will perform

Top fan
Gurvinder Singh Hullait
2-1, LCFC, Barnes.

Top fan
Jake Short
2-1 Leicester Vardy

Ewan Broughton
4-0 Iheanacho hat trick and Perez

Top fan
Liam Tailby
1-1 vardy

Top fan
Ian Starkey
1-0 Albrighton

Top fan
Lee-Marie Springthorpe
2-0 barnes

Richard Macy Macefield
Maddison 2-0

Derek Cave Stringfellow
Hammers 2 1

Paul Reno
1.1 Vardy

Top fan
Neil Bosworth
Evan’s 2-2

James Fraser
Iheanacho, 2-1 Leicester

John Dilkes
Perez ,3-1 foxes

Jadene Littlejohn
2-0 Vardy

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