James Justin Signs !

Posted by  phil@hollogram.com   in       5 years ago     1156 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Welcome James Justin to Leicester City !
The deal is DONE… we have a good, very good, young talent signed up for our charge up the Premier League table this season. 

This is our first signing of the season, and we think it is a good start to the signing season.
We signed him for £6 Million for the young lad from Luton, but he seems like a good improvement to the squad and we knows, Vardy and Mahrez where cheap and they turned out to be the best Leicester Players in history.

This is what 100% LCFC Sam thinks to the new signing…
” He looks like a good young player. Playing over 120 matches for Luton, and he might become a good Leicester player. He won’t get into the first team, as i can’t see him replacing Ricardo, but who knows. Like Vards and Mahrez, got them on the cheap and they turned out to be brilliant players”

This is what YOU the fans had to say….

Top fan
Dazz Stockwin
BRILLIANT FIRST DEAL he will be a great asset

Top fan
T.J. Chapman
Great deal! Hopefully he will flourish with us

Phillip Holloway
Welcome ! Another good young talent at our club !

Top fan
Neil Bennett
Big step up but an excellent signing

Top fan
Simon Batterbee
Yes .. an up and coming talent but we’re still in need of another top striker and winger/ midfielder .. To even challenge the top 6/7 we need to be looking to invest 30-40 million on new additions …

Matthew Gregory Medler
does that mean Ricardo is off?

Matthew Fox
Awesome signing now let’s get Tielemans over the line.

Daniel Lewis
Darren Brockett come on Mr Luton town what have we bought off you? The floor is yours

Darren Brockett
James Justin he’s 100% gold mate! You’ll love him. There isn’t one Luton fan that isn’t sorry to see him leave but he deserves a shot at the premiere league and I’m convinced he’ll do a job for you

Image result for james justin

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