Jakupovic… More of a coach role?!

Posted by  phil@hollogram.com   in       4 years ago     757 Views     Leave your thoughts  

He came from Hull, with 38 appearance’s and a decent save to goal’s conceded rate for Hull. He then came to Leicester, probably knowing that he would not get much game time at all with Kaper being one of the best Premier League goalkeepers around…
But…Will he turn into a coaching role for Leicester? Does he has that experience to help the youngster’s come through…

This is what you, the fans, had to say about him at Leicester…

Ellis Moore
Hasn’t done to bad for us tbf. Maybe let him go to a lower side so he can play more. Definitely good enough to be starting in leagues below so if he went good luck to him. Gonna be tricky for him now with ward as back up , wards probably been our best sub keeper in the longest time

Paul Ashcroft
It was a bad move for him as he deserves first team football.

Frankie Wightman
Biggest waste of a wage bill for sometime

Reece Taylor
Hes quality could play for any bottom 6 prem side

Rob Seaton
Nah get rid. Do you really think Kasper would take advice from him?!

Jamie Leigh
McQuillin Get rid and use a goalkeeper from the academy as 3rd choice

Watch some of his highlights from Hull which made us sign him in the first place…!

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