Fans Player Focus – De Laet

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the former Manchester United player came to Leicester, and with not much about him, he was a very solid player for for Leicester, making 115 appearances as a Right Back!

in his time at Leicester, we asked the fans about their best memories and moments with him and this is what you had to say!

Dom Bray
He did well for us but thinktowards the end ranieri preferred a more defensive rb with mahrez also given free reign down the wing. Good player for us though overall

Jamie-Kevin Faülkner
Definitely his goal against derby. Think we ended up winning 4-0 and it won game of the season at the end of season awards. Thought he was a decent RB shame when he left

Eddie Fisher
First goal against Villa to start the comeback!!

Paul Harriman
The perfect weight on the pass into vardy in the 5-3 win over man united.

Aaron Withers
Goal v Derby the year we went up!!! Or the first goal against Villa in the comeback

Joey Varden
The goal against Derby to give us the lead in 2013/14

Ollie Hood
Pass to Vardy vs united. Never did a lot wrong in my eyes

Andrew Smith
I liked him, bit dodgey in defence but did like to gallop forward.

Andrew Gould
Goal against.Villa big win

i think we remember this pass to setup Vards in the 5-3 win against Manchester United! a very memorable moment for all the foxes!

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