City v Newport Pre-Match !

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in a few hours, Leicester will visit Newport in the third round of the FA cup. We’re all hoping that we manage to get a win today which shouldn’t be to difficult, but all City fans want the Foxes to progress further into a cup, like the semi-finals onward, especially after getting knocked out of the Carabao cup to Man City.

This is what 100% LCFC Sam had to say… “I think it is safe to say that the line up for today is going to mostly consist of players that aren’t featuring as much this season, like Diabate, Nacho, Benaluoane, Söyüncü , Etc. I would like to say this would be a good time for them to shine, but i don’t think it will as they’re all Premier League players who will more than likely not feature much in this season at all. For the match though, i feel we need to get a good win, and try to progress far in this cup as we didn’t take the Carabao Cup seriously enough to beat Man City, (which would have meant we would have got Burton in the next round!)”

How do you think todays game will shape out ? Who do you think Puel will start?

watch Jamies LIVE video here !

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