
We Are Staying Up – WIN THIS BOOK

  8 years ago     2865 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Want to win this book ? It is a BRILLIANT read by Steve Jaques called "we are staying up" and it charts the rise and amazing season that saw Leicester City crowned Champions of England !! Simply COMMENT who scored Leicester Citys first EVER Champions League goal ?   TO WIN IT SIMPLY ENTER HERE. This Competition Closes on Nov 1st. If you would like to BUY this great Leicester City Book, then click here

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Win a FREE Return ADT Cab to the Southampton Match

  8 years ago     1335 Views     Leave your thoughts  

To celebrate the launch of the NEW ADT APP [CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD IT] our pals at ADT have offered one lucky Fox the chance to win themselves a FREE lift to and from the ground. So no need to try and find a parking spot, and it means you and 3 pals can all enjoy a shandy or two and not have to draw lots on who is this weeks nominated driver ! This competition will run accross ALL 100%LCFC Social Media channels and will close at 2pm on Saturday 1st October, with the WINNER being announced on our…

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SNOW FUN – Over 80 Leicester City Snowmen Built

  9 years ago     2367 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Over 80 Leicester City Snowmen Built... oh and 1 Sandman in Australia ! Leicester City are joint TOP of the Premier League, and we all enjoyed it with a Snow Day on Sunday... so we asked the Leicester City Fans "Shall we build a Snowman?" And as usual they did not let us down !! We have had loads of photos of snowmen dressed up as Leicester City fans, so many we thought we would make a quick video which you can watch below !! WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW TO SEE THEM ALL !! [youtube_advanced url="" width="600" height="400" responsive="yes" controls="yes"…

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VIDEO – Norwich Competition Time

  9 years ago     1615 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Do YOU want to win this signed photo ? Simply predict WHO will score the FIRST goal in the Norwich v Leicester game, and what will the FINAL score be ? We think Andy King will score the first goal and Leicester will win 2-1.... now its YOUR turn !! ENTER HERE....   100%LCFC Nominated for an Award... PLEASE VOTE FOR US, CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW....

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Ranieri Promises Pizza… And So Do We !

  9 years ago     1486 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Leicester Boss Claudio Ranieri has promised Pizza to the players, so we thought we would offer the FANS the chance for some FREE PIZZA !! Yes, this weeks competition for the trip to stoke gives the Blue Army the chance to come and have a Pizza with Leicester City legend Alan Young and 100%LCFC editor Phil Holloway down at Peter and That's Enough Pizza palour which by the way, is without doubt the BEST pizza in town ! So what do you have to do !!?? It's easy, simply predict who will be the FIRST goal scorer in the match…

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