Give Pearson your support

  10 years ago     1313 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Come on, this guy finally got us back to the Promised land, after 10 long LONG years in exile... Rome as they say wasn't built in a day, and neither is establishing yourself as a Premier League side. Our opinion. for what it is worth, is that Leicester City this season, so far have NOT been given a drubbing, and we have competed in every game. A mix of bad luck, at times sloppy defending and missed chances at the other end, simply shows that we need to improve a bit. At the Liverpool game, a couple of Leicester Fans…

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Swansea Defeat Post Match TV

  10 years ago     1121 Views     Leave your thoughts  

So Leicester lost at Swansea. A disappointing first half was followed by a better second, but not enough for Leicester City to get any points. 100%LCFC Phil Holloway and City Fan Dave Sullivan from Sporting Glassware discuss the match in detail For Sporting glass Wear check out

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