Legends At the King Power Again

  7 years ago     1488 Views     Leave your thoughts  

What a night. Well when you have Legends such as Steve Walsh, Taggs, Matty Elliot and Julian Joachim playing alongside everyday fans... all at the King Power it makes for a GREAT night. We sent 100%LCFC Tom & Lee down to check out the fun and games, and of course Martin Summers the winner of our exclusive 100%LCFC competition with our pals at Play With A Legend... Watch the lads video from the event last night... [youtube_advanced url="" width="600" height="400" responsive="yes" controls="yes" autohide="alt" showinfo="yes" autoplay="no" loop="no"…

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Leonardo’s Linked to Several Clubs

  7 years ago     1137 Views     Leave your thoughts  

OOOOOOHHHH is name is Leonardo... yes he cost... well he only cost us £9m which in todays bonkers market, where we got £12m for Schluppy - KERCHING !!! Then Leo for £9m seems like he has been a good player, a good servant to the club, but perhaps now his time is up. The vultures are starting to hovver, with the likes of Newcastle and Swansea from the Prem interested, and Sunderland who almost bought him in January and local Birmingham also interested. We think this WILL be the summer Leo moves on, he has always been a big fans…

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  7 years ago     1204 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Calling all Foxes around the world... we WANT YOU !! Now Far Flung could mean Skegvegas, or Las Vegas, Southend on Sea or Sydney Australia... you all count as FFF !! Jamie from Alcudia who runs the Foxes Arms Bar, is one of our FIRST as we call the Far Flung Foxes... and we want MORE and MORE of you to video message us, or join us LIVE for a chat on the official 100%LCFC SKYPE line... Don Cole is a super fan all the way from USA... USA... USA.... and started following Leicester when we were in the Championship.…

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Fans Have View On Mahrez Transfer

  7 years ago     4487 Views     Leave your thoughts  

So Riyad Mahrez wants off... he wants to chase more glory, well so do we !! We just finished in the last 8 of the Champions League and we WON the Premier League last season... there are not many other teams who can boast that success in the last 2 seasons, and we HOPE that there will be MORE success to follow... but Mahrez must see it differently.... We asked Leicester City fans THEIR views.... and they certainly Gave them to us ! Martin Tibbetts "He has been brilliant, but he wants away and we need to move on. Lets…

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Shakey to Start Talks With Owners – Fans Views

  7 years ago     4593 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Our FAN poll shows that around 35% of Leicester fans are sure that SHAKEY is the man to take us forward, but that leaves a lot of fans either undecieded or thinking he is NOT the man.30% said NO he was NOT the right man, and 35% of fans are just not sure.... in our OWNERS we trust ! They have NOT let us down in the past and have been brilliant in making the right decisions .... Well, we hear that Shakey is to open talks with the owners, he is meeting them we hear at the Monaco Grand…

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COMPETITION – Play at the King Power for FREE !

  7 years ago     12010 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Here is the deal, Play With a Legend [PWAL], are running an event at the King Power, it looks flipping brilliant ! You get the chance to play on the holy turf, and even better you get to play with some Leicester City legends.... Good Right !? Well, it get's even better. The lads over at PWAL want us to help promote the match to help them fill up the last few spots, so we said yes, no problems, it will be a great night, the Leicester Fans would love to see if they can pretend to be Vardy having…

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