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Monday Night LIVE!

  5 years ago     645 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Each Monday Phil goes LIVE at Facebook at 100% LCFC. This week he is talking about James Justin Signing for Leicester, Maguire getting a £70 Million bid from Manchester United?! and all other gossip and rumours in and around the City. If YOU want to get your LIVE views in from the match go to Facebook at 100% LCFC to keep turned each week as the content team tries to go LIVE s frequently as possible to keep you posted and up to date. This is what some of YOU fans had to say about the show, Leicester City and…

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James Justin Signs !

  5 years ago     1157 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Welcome James Justin to Leicester City !The deal is DONE... we have a good, very good, young talent signed up for our charge up the Premier League table this season.  This is our first signing of the season, and we think it is a good start to the signing season.We signed him for £6 Million for the young lad from Luton, but he seems like a good improvement to the squad and we knows, Vardy and Mahrez where cheap and they turned out to be the best Leicester Players in history. This is what 100% LCFC Sam thinks to the…

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Foxes AfterMath Show !

  5 years ago     645 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Each week Jamie from the 100% LCFC content team goes LIVE on Facebook.He is one of the far flung foxes, bringing you LIVE video's from sunny Spain. If you are in Alucdia don't forget to pay Jamie a visit at his place, called 'The Foxes Arms' !If YOU want to get your views in then keep tuned each week, all week for the FREE content teams views and opinions on the gossip, rumours and transfers as we bring you the latest news all to do with Leicester City. This week, Jamie talked about James Justin signing for Leicester from Luton,…

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Ricardo To Juventus ?

  5 years ago     1620 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Italian Giants JUVENTUS are rumoured to be interested in Ricardo Pereira - the Serie A club are putting together a list of potential replacements for Joao Cancelo who looks set to go to Man City...Comment YOUR views... Its another player linked AWAY from Leicester ! This is what 100% LCFC Sam had to say " The last thing we need to do is sell our top players. I f we sell out top players and keep the money rather than buying someone of equal price/ quality, than it shows the lack of ambition and that we are a selling club.…

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Play Against the Leicester City Legends

  5 years ago     3785 Views     Leave your thoughts  

SUNDAY 8th September 2019, 2pm Kick Off at the ADT Taxis Stadium. the home of Loughborough Dynamo FC Leicester City Legends are exactly what they sound like... they are the names we all know and love who have played for Leicester City in the past. Walshie, Muzzy, Matt Piper, Steve Guppy, Julian Joachim, Gerry Taggart and more... On Sunday 8th September the LEGENDS will take on a team from 100%LCFC, made up of a mix of Fans and the guys who bring you the ups and downs of following Leicester City via our matchday videos, fan blogs and live chats....…

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Kapustka Here to Stay ?!

  5 years ago     1015 Views     Leave your thoughts  

Kapustka - Now is your time !?Chappers bumped into Kapustka a few weeks ago outside the KP and the man himself told chappers "im going to make it at Leicester"... well it seems like Brendan Rodgers agrees. Let's hope this is a player we can see the results from soon!? This is what 100% LCFC Sam thinks of him...." Yes, we should give him a go. We bought him, so we might as well use him. If he does not play well, than we can drop him, but if he pans out to be a great player, its a no…

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